The ad I found wasn’t on adbusters, but I think it qualifies as a spoof ad. The image of Scooby Doo wearing an ipod is a parody of many of the ipod advertisements that feature a darkened figure on a bright background using an ipod. This fake ad is using illustration by showing a commonly recognized person (in this case an animated dog) using the product. I think this add uses all three of the rhetorical appeals. I think it uses logos simply by including the ipod name on the ad. This appeals to the viewer because ipod has become synonymous with ease of use and quality. It also appeals through pathos by trying to put the viewer into a light hearted state of mind by using humor. The humor in this ad only makes sense if you have seen other ipod advertisements. This particular one is making fun of the other ipod ads by using a cartoon character as the main figure. Every other ad has used real people listening to their ipods. I think it also appeals with ethos because the ipod is associated with Apple. Depending on who you are and your own personal views this may mean different things. For most people, though, I think it would mean reliability and good technology. Apple is a well known company that is used by millions around the world. I don’t really think that this ad was really trying to discredit ipod because it doesn’t really have any irony in it or anything that would portray the ipod as negative. I think it just took the previous ads and put a new, creative twist on the idea.
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