The video I chose from youtube is quite hilarious, in my opinion. I tend always to look at the more comical videos whenever viewing websites like this because I enjoy being able to see things that one wouldn’t normally see everyday. The unusual seems to spark some sort of interest for me. I guess it doesn’t have to be funny but just somewhat uncommon. The video I chose has this element, was short so I could quickly see the reason for the video, and also happened to be funny.
The context of this video is important to make it seem unusual. You can see that this video takes place in the work place. There are a couple of different ways to tell this. First, the title refers to someone at work, “Guy freaks out at work.” Second, you can tell from the part of the video leading up to the outburst that these people are in some sort of office environment. Another important part to understanding this video is seeing the section leading up to this mans outburst. If you were to just see the part of the man leaping across the table and attacking his coworker you would not have any context to place the purpose or reason for the fight. Seeing his coworker pestering him by throwing things at him from across the room gives you that context. It also makes it easier to associate with the person. I know I’ve wanted to leap across a table and kick the ass of someone pestering me.
The difference between watching this video online or seeing it on TV or in a movie is that it is more believable. If I were to see something like this in a movie I would think that it was part of the script or planned out before hand. The same goes for seeing a scene like this on TV. It makes it funnier, at least to me, that this was just a spur of the moment thing and took place in a real life setting. Even more convincing is the fact that this was caught on a security camera. The odds of someone making a home movie in their office while this event took place are slim to none, so if that were the case I would immediately think the event was staged. Security cameras, on the other hand, are constantly running and catch anything that goes on throughout the day.
Overall I find there is a large difference in viewing online media as opposed to traditional movies or TV. It’s made for a more of a variety in video viewing. If I want to see something that is a tape of something happening in real life, I can search internet video websites. If I want to see something that has incredible special effects or story lines that would in all probability never happen I can watch a traditional movie. The new forms of entertainment available have made for an all encompassing viewing experience.
Hi! Nate, I think you have good writing skill on your essay; you are very focus on it. It is so easy to understand what you talking about, this is a very interesting and freak story, and I never watch this kind story. It is very easy to grab my attention, but I think it is a little bit short. And we do not what happen after they fight; I suggest you need to guess the end of story and write more detail about it, to share with your friends. I think it will be a big surprise for everybody, any way you have done a good job.
Nathan, the video you chose from You Tube is hilarious. It was quite surprising that the guy jumped out of his chair and crawled across the tables pushing computer screens and everything else in his way, just to beat his co-worker up. The best part of the video was that it was probably a real life incident, and not rehearsed or performed. I think you did a great job picking out a good video. The video was not a long story line, but it was short and to the point. One again, great job loved the video!
Well, you’re right. The video is because of the security camera. I think that you make a great point in your post comparing the entertainment found on line to what a person is expected to see on t.v. or in a movie. It’s true, if I watch a show I don’t expect it to be spontaneous and unrehearsed –even if it is reality t.v. As for movies, everyone only needs to know the genre of the movie to pretty much know what to expect. By the way though, I was wondering why no one in the video seems shocked to see their fellow co-worker in a fit of fury?definitely funny and certainly more believable
I totally agree with the context part about how you have to watch the video doing nothing for a while because if we just saw the fight it wouldn't be nearly as big of an impact. Also good point that watching the the video on the internet makes it so much more believable. It's not nearly as fun watching it on a spike tv show or something.
You had some awesome ideas in your paper and I liked your flow. Great catch in finding this video.
Hey, nice video. At first when I was watching I didn't see the purpose of you posting it, I mean it's just people sitting at work. What's so special bout them? But then, I saw that guy getting on the desk and starting to beat the other guy up. I thought it was hilarious! I was watching this video at work and we don't have speakers here so I couldn't hear what they were saying in the video, but I'm sure it was something funny. It’s also a very unique video to pick out. How did you ever come up with idea of finding this video? Good job!
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